Love, Joy, Peace...

Anchored Academy is enrolling grades K-5th grade for our 2023-2024 school year.  After students are enrolled, they can learn with us through 12th-grade graduation.  We strive to develop in students a lifelong love of learning, an abiding faith in Christ, and personal integrity. 

Our vision is Training for Life, Training for Eternity. 

Our mission is to educate students with a Biblical Worldview, showing them God's heart through every activity and modeling Christ's love with every interaction. 

Our core values are: Anchored in God's Truth, Anchored in God's Love, Anchored in God's Kingdom.

Our world is facing unprecedented challenges.  Discussions are returning to revamping the way we educate children.  Making their environment safer and more individualized.  We have been utilizing a proven model that allows for that flexibility.  

Anchored Academy is a micro-school-style campus.  We utilize the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) curriculum.  A.C.E. is a self-paced, mastery-based approach to learning.  PACEs allow students to absorb material at their own rate rather than being forced to learn at a schedule set by a teacher in a classroom environment.  PACEs are not busy work or worksheets.  Each PACE is an instructional packet that teaches students the skills they need to complete their assignments or goals for the week.  A.C.E. celebrated 50 years of success in 2020, and their curriculum is used in schools and homes throughout the world.  

Each student advances based on their individual learning ability.  For instance, a student placed in fifth grade in a traditional school setting may be taking varying levels of PACEs in the A.C.E. system.  The same student could be taking Level 3 Math, Level 5 Science, and Level 4 English.  Students move ahead only after they have proven mastery of the subject matter.  To learn more about this curriculum and philosophy, you can watch the short videos below. 

Our home/school partnerships are foundational to our success, and we invest time and attention in these relationships.  We believe it is vital that our home and school environments align on spiritual and character values and that we have two-way engagement with each family.

All of the teaching staff meet one of the standards below:


- Bachelor’s Degree or higher in any subject
- Three or more years of K-12th grade teaching experience
- Special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in K-12th grade subjects

For more information, please contact us at 772-461-6350, or fill out our short inquiry form: 


Frequently Asked Questions: 

How is this different from traditional school? Anchored Academy doesn't use the traditional classroom style of teaching. Each student is given an individual office space and works independently on their PACE work. There are supervisors (teachers) to answer all academic questions and monitors (teachers' aids) to answer any permission-based questions. Students work at their own pace and don't progress without mastery of the subject material.

We are also able to offer additional courses that focus on life skills, personal integrity/character development, and spiritual maturity.

How will you determine what level PACEs my student will start with? There is a diagnostic assessment given to every student during the application process. This will identify any learning gaps and give us information on where to start your child in each of the core subjects so that they are learning at a comfortable level to achieve success.

What is the cost of tuition? Tuition costs for the 2023-2024 school year are $7,500 per student, which includes tuition, curriculum, and a basic supply and technology fee. The application fee for new students is $125 per student, which includes registration and diagnostic testing.

Do you accept scholarships? We have a scholarship fund available for Northside Worship Center members (application process required, certain restrictions apply) We also accept the FTC, FES-EO, and FES-UA scholarships through Step Up For Students. If you are using the FES-UA Scholarship, please reach out to discuss this in more detail to determine if we are able to meet your child's specific needs.